
Vehicle tailpipe 
and brake emissions 
retrofitting systems

In numbers

No estimations.
Just Facts

High PM2.5 concentrations*(>5μg/m3) cost human lives 238,000 premature deaths in Europe in 2021. NO2 concentrations*(>10μg/m3) are responsible for 49,000 premature deaths in Europe in 2021.
*above WHO limit 

Vehicle fleet within the European Union gets older.

Both tailpipe and brake particles are now recognized by EU law as part of the problem. New emission standards cover both tailpipe and brake particles.


What we do

We develop, test, and optimize cost efficient and adaptable systems that cut down emissions.

Colored lines

Emission reduction:

particles (PN10)


control considerations


Tailpipe Retrofits 
for road vehicles

From conceptualization to full-scale demonstration, testing, and evaluation, we work all through the project’s life cycle. 


of vehicle market value


Emission reduction:

particles in both number 
and mass 

Brake Retrofits for road vehicles and metro or rail applications

We empower all involved stakeholders with a complete testing and evaluation of brake particles and the development of innovative components. 


machine parts

Low cost and high 
adaptability of systems

Retrofitting Impact 

How can we better understand the health impacts of air pollution from transport emissions? What are the physico-chemical characterisation of exhaust and brake particles? What measures are under incentive and regulatory schemes? We empower our clients with answers and an overall impact assessment tailored to their business.


A viable, cost-efficient system to improve air quality by retrofitting and be part of positive change for people and the environment.

United for 
a clean air future.

About VERA 

VERA brings together emission experts from the field of academia, R&D, industry, engineering, technology developers, fleet operator, and more, on a mission to empower growth and accelerate the transition to a zero-emission future.

Map with company logos

VERA Ecosystem

17 partners from 10 countries

14 beneficiaries 

1 affiliated entity

2 associated partners

Our solutions are:

Highly efficient

Highly efficient

Fully Adaptable

Fully Adaptable

Cost efficient

Cost efficient

Based on quantified targets

Based on quantified targets



Contact our team to learn 
how our technology 
can improve your 
environmental performance.