VERA Ecosystem

VERA brings together emission experts from the fields of academia, R&D, industry, engineering, technology developers, fleet operator, and more, on a mission to empower growth and accelerate the transition to a zero-emission future. With a strong background on emissions and relevant control technologies, environmental, and health impacts we combine expertise from different disciplines on the benefit of people and the environment. Ensuring access to critical infrastructure and facilities. Enhancing technology development and final product commercialisation

from 10 countries

Technology - Automotive | Rail 

Engineering – mechanics | Thermodynamics

Materials | Natural sciences

Physics | Chemistry

Health sciences | Biology


Ensuring access to critical infrastructure and facilities Enhancing technology development and final product commercialization

Our Mission:

Human Health
and Environmental

  • Improved air quality, particularly  in urban environment  and closed facilities e.g. metro
  • Awareness on the increased role of retrofitting in environmental welfare and on for it being a viable solution for greener mobility. 
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Economic & 
Technological Growth

Mass production of adaptable and low-cost retrofit systems, leading to economic growth combined with strong environmental benefits. Mass production of cleaner brake systems for new vehicles.

Economic &  Technological Growth
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Societal Equity

We are confident in the transformative potential of our technology. Think of an individual who cannot afford a new car. With retrofitting solutions, they can still upgrade their car and avoid circulation restrictions (e.g., access to the city center).

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Good Governance

Recommendations to policy makers on possible incentive and regulatory schemes to promote the adoption of retrofitting as a viable solution to reduce emissions from transport.

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Project Structure & Timeline

Market screening and definition of requirements

Development, demonstration and detailed evaluation of tailpipe retrofit solutions

Development, demonstration and detailed evaluation of brake retrofit solutions

Impact assessment of retrofitting

Dissemination, communication and exploitation of results

Map with company logos

VERA Ecosystem

17 partners from 10 countries

14 beneficiaries 

1 affiliated entity

2 associated partners

Our solutions are:

Highly efficient

Highly efficient

Fully Adaptable

Fully Adaptable

Cost efficient

Cost efficient

Based on quantified targets

Based on quantified targets



Contact our team to learn 
how our technology 
can improve your 
environmental performance.